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CHEAT SHEET: 3 Ways Behavioral Science Drives Action for Marketer

Harvard researchers have discovered how our brains skim information and how to get people's attention. This is important for marketers, business owners, and educators, who are constantly vying for people's attention.

One reason we fail to capture people's attention is that we don't understand the power of insights into customer behavior and engagement. To help you, I found a cheat sheet from a behavioral science expert.

Behavioral Science Principles for Marketers

  • Your customers and prospects will default to hardwired behaviors. These are automatic, instinctive, reflexive responses that are ingrained in humans.

  • Buying decisions are not logical, but emotional. Tap into your customers' emotions to get them to take action.

  • People are more likely to pay attention to things that are relevant to them. Personalize your marketing messages to make them more engaging.

  • People are more likely to take action if they see others doing it. Use social proof in your marketing, such as testimonials and customer reviews.

  • People are more likely to act if they feel a sense of urgency. Create limited-time offers and discounts to encourage people to take action now.

How to Apply Behavioral Science Principles to Your Marketing

  • Use eye-tracking data to understand how people scan your content. Place your most important information in the areas where people are most likely to look.

  • Create headlines that are clear, concise, and emotionally charged. Use power words and benefits that will resonate with your target audience.

  • Use storytelling to connect with your customers on an emotional level. People are more likely to remember and share information that is presented in a story format.

  • Use social proof to show people that others are using and loving your product or service. Include testimonials, customer reviews, and social media shares in your marketing materials.

  • Create a sense of urgency to encourage people to take action now. Use limited-time offers and discounts to create a sense of FOMO (fear of missing out).

By understanding and applying behavioral science principles, you can create more effective marketing campaigns that capture people's attention and drive results. In marketing, it’s important to remember that your customers and prospects will default to hardwired behaviors — certain automatic, instinctive, reflexive responses that are ingrained in humans. Keep these behavioral science principles in mind to prompt increased engagement and response to your campaigns.

Get the cheat sheet by By Nancy Harhut, Chief Creative Officer of HBT Marketing (Courtesy of her Inbound 2023 presentation)