Conversations with Beauty Influencer Edwina Edward a.k.a PowerFluffGirl

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Conversations with beauty influencer edwina edward

Edwina Edward is a 21 year old, youtuber and Instagram beauty influencer. Most of her followers don’t know that she’s a soon-to-be college grad, who studies computer science and wants to pursue her Master’s in Artificial Intelligence.

1. In your own words, describe what a beauty influencer or youtuber is?

I believe that a beauty influencer is someone who keeps up with the makeup trends and supplies their supporters with honest reviews of products. Sometimes, those written reviews on websites can be misleading or hard to understand. Seeing someone use the product or at least seeing it on their face can be way more helpful! A YouTuber is, to me, anyone who uploads youtube videos!

2. THE BEAUTY INFLUENCER WORLD IS HIGHLY COMPETITIVE and super intersectional since you must serve as a youtuber, brand ambassador and model. How do you keep up with trends in this highly saturated industry? What has been the most challenging part?

Honestly, I keep up with the times by seeing the trends happen on my feeds. I'll see it happen on my Instagram feed, and I'll think "Oh, wow, that's cute!" Usually, I end up twisting it a little bit to fit me better. I think the most challenging part of being in this industry is that I can tend to be a little hard on myself. I'm a college student as well, and thus I'm not as active as I should be. This causes me to see others rise up before me and I start to second guess the quality of my work, and ultimately my place in social media.

3. Name some brands you’ve collaborated with and why?

I've collaborated with a myriad of brands, from DevaCurl to Haley’s Beauty, and so many more! I just love being able to show my followers how these products work on myself! I'm dark skinned, with kinky curly hair, and there are SO many times where people will message me on social media saying how happy they are that they've found someone similar to them. It's honestly such a great feeling!

4. Content is KING for you because it’s how you specifically reach your audience. How many hours do you typically work on content a week?

To be honest, I don't spend too much time on content. I'll usually sanction about 5 hours for my content.

5. How do you set yourself apart in beauty?

I try my hardest to just be myself. Even though there are a lot of trends and such, I don't necessarily subscribe to all of them. I just let my followers see me.

6. According to influencer agency, Viral Nation, “People with smaller followings [who are known as nanoinfluencers] can make between $30,000 and $60,000 a year. The micro-influencers can make anywhere from $40,000 to $100,000.” And as people amass more followers they are more likely to be sought after for partnership opportunities. How often do you say no to a brand? Why would you (or under what circumstances would you) say no to a partnership?

I would say no to a partnership for a couple reasons. I would say no to a partnership if they're asking for way too much for way too little. Some brands try to get you to do all nine yards, and won't even pay. I honestly don't stand for that. I also keep the ethics of the brand in mind. If the brand stands for something I don't like, I won't work with them.

7. As an influencer not only are people turning to you for honest beauty tips and advice, but brands are depending on you to reach their goals. How do you balance making money and being authentic?

I'm always honest. Like, always. I don't think it's fair to send people to go and buy products that they shouldn't get. I always have in the back of my mind, this is people's hard earned money. I've been deceived before and the thought of doing that to other people is just such a horrible thought to me.

8. What advice would you give an aspiring influencer?

Everyone can eat! Don't feel discouraged because you're not gaining followers as quickly as you'd like, it honestly is something that gradually happens over time that you don't even notice!


I'd like to thank you sooo much for interviewing me! Also a big thank you to every single one of my followers!

10. Follow Edwina on IG @POWERFLUFFGIRL

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