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Conversations with Trippy & Vanni of NNCHVLNT Podcast

Delquan Hodge (Trippy) and Vanni Allen Poe (Vanni) are fathers, entrepreneurs, and podcasters striving to make a difference in society. Their podcast show, The NNCHVLNT Podcast (nonchalant) is an urban podcast that directly speaks to cracks and crevices of what most are not willing to address.

I caught up with them about their latest venture.

I’ve noticed how you two interact online. I call it bromance — and it really makes you both standout to me amongst of the fluff of social media. How would you both describe it? How has exemplifying your brotherhood online benefited you?

To us, “bromance” is a brotherhood where men aren’t afraid to show genuine love and support for each other. It’s also holding each other accountable for being better men overall. Exemplifying this online has been the catalyst for us creating our podcast which solely relies on our “bromance.” Our following online make sure to let us know how much they appreciate our friendship all the time.

What’s your respective zodiac signs and how do you feel they compliment each other?

Well I’m a Capricorn and Vanni is a Leo. to be honest I don’t pay attention to zodiac signs like that. However, for the purpose of this interview i read up on the compatibility in regards to a Cap|Leo friendship and all things I came across seem pretty spot on.

Now, let’s talk about your podcast? What is it called how can people find it? What topics do you cover?

The podcast is called The Nnchvlnt Podcast. As of right now it can be found on Soundcloud (audibly) and Youtube (visually). We are in the process of getting it on all podcasting platforms such as iTunes and Spotify. We discuss topics like mental health, co-parenting, negative affects of social media, past sexual traumas as kids and a lot more.

Podcasting is growing faster and faster every year. In fact, it’s becoming standard practice for brands to add podcasts to their media plan. What is podcasting to you guys? Is it apart of your plan or is it “the thing” you guys want to be known for?

Podcasting to us is enlightenment followed by entertainment. We started The Nnchvlnt Podcast due to how insightful our private conversations with each were. We knew that other Black men had to be dealing with the same strifes as we were and probably weren’t comfortable discussing them. Essentially its part of our plan, but something we hope to be known for over time.

What advice would you give any aspiring podcasters or entertainment professionals?

Know who your intended audience is. Have a plan, go for it and execute. Research all things necessary to starting a podcast. Know who your competition. Lastly, incorporate a budget for marketing!

Have you ever had an STD? We're sure you have... but if not we are most certain you've had an ETD! Welcome us back for our 8th Episode where it's no longer just Vanni & Trippy But also welcome our new beautiful co host Jasmin! Join us as we diagnose your ETD symptoms for free!

Besides the podcast, what other projects are you both working on?

Trippy: I have a clothing brand NNCHVLNT Clothing that I’ve been putting a lot of my energy into lately. As well as the music label me and Vanni started in 2016 called Sure Thing Music Group. We have also opened a studio and are in the process of building it up to be the “go-to” place for artists to catch a dope creative vibe.

Vanni: Besides the podcast I’m currently working on some of the best music I’ve ever made. We should be expecting a lot of music in the next few months.

What are you reading/listening to?

Trippy: I’m really trying to get more into reading. I’ve been an audio type of person as of lately. However I’ve been into Charlamagne’s work. Also still trying to finish the Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck. I’ve also been really wanting to check out Michelle Obama’s book. 

Vanni: I’ve recently found myself diving into the Bible again. It’s been a while since I’ve had the time to dive into the word. And I listen and watch some interviews from ImpactTheory on YouTube.

Any parting words?

To whomever may be reading this, have faith and believe in yourself or else no one else will. Talent is a good thing to have. Creativity is a good thing to have. Strong work ethic is good thing to have. But when you tie all three things together greatness will surely manifest.