The State of Creativity 2020

SOC2020 adebukola

We are now in the era of content-based marketing. Content marketing is to engage, to inform, to gain trust and win the attention of customers. With creative studios being closed and design teams working from home, digital content is now the pillar holding businesses up from the impact of COVID-19. Businesses have seen a 56% sales increase directly linked to the design quality of content.

Yet, potential buyers are inundated with content. With the rising popularity of Tik Tok, offering a new way for people to engage with products, the oversaturation of information is making it more difficult than ever to get people’s attention. 

What happens when small business teams are not creating efficiently enough for the heightened demand of the market? They fail!

Stats by Adobe and Facebook

Stats by Adobe and Facebook

The insights shown above illuminate that creating scroll-stopping content is CRITICAL for your brand in 2020. According to Adobe, consumers only need 0.5 seconds to deem your content quality or trash.

YOU HAVE HALF OF A SECOND TO GET IT RIGHT PEOPLE! And high-quality content is not easy to make. In a world where video is KING, motion graphics aren’t the most agile to produce.

If you are not well-versed in content creation such as graphic design, video editing, or color theory, I’m speaking to YOU! As a small business owner, outsourcing for content creation may be your best bet to keep your brand immersed with your customers and top-of-mind. 

Here are approved social content creators, designers, and marketers who are ready to make you stand out in the noisy marketplace:

  1. Soco & Moda by Lauren Crawford


2. ABK Com by Alexia Boukou


3. With Hart Creative Studio by Sydney Hart


4. The Furnace is for Gold by Felicité Cesaire


5. Made in Tyeal by Tyeal


6. The Milli Blog by Manoucheca Lord

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7. Marketing Cultivista by Christine Cervantes

marketing cultivista adebukola

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